History of Nias Island (Nias Island)

"YAAHOWU" is one greetings word of Nias people.

Mother Siraso has a child named Ho or hia. Hia is a human group leader, the group that has the advantages of both ethnic civilizations such as customary law, agriculture, and others. 

Based on the information obtained from the results of in-depth interviews to one community leader Lagundri , Martin Wau, said that Nias people are from China or Indonesian people used to call the Chinese ethnic . This story comes from a folklore legend of a girl child in the form of a king who comes in the area between Assam and the foot of the Himalayas , in the northern part of India . But Martin said again, apart from their origin Assam also some say from Tibet or Dragon Land . Girls king was named Xin Xua , where the story begins his odyssey known as the girl was pregnant out of wedlock . Over this incident the king was angry and very furious . Then the king was collecting some sort of tribal councils at the time to prosecute and punish , because pregnant for their group , it is a violation and a big disgrace . The king wanted the girl to die, but not so with the customary council decision . They do not want the girl died , but the girl were driven out of their group .
Then they all make somethings like making a ship and his supply to be brought across the sea Xin Xua wide . Then Xin Xua is went accompanied by her beloved dog heading to the archipelago and eventually anchored in Nias Island now . Because of this legend Martin added , so the Nias also love dogs and are found in homes - homes of Nias until now .
Starting place is the land where Xin Xua Susua downstream . It is said that the etymology of the word comes from the word Susua, Xin Xua enshrined into the name of the river today. After landing on beaches and estuaries Susua , then Xin Xua settled in this place until she gave birth to her child she is carrying . When Xin Xua decided to stay there , the raising of the ship that brought him to the ground to be used as his house . Then to avoid dangers such as wild animals that became home made ​​foot stage as Nias home now .
Once the child is born , Xin Xua give his name Hian Hok . After Hian Hok adult , then one day her mother told her that her son had to leave her mother and go for a wander and recognize this island . Xin Xua just give him a ring and told : " if one day he found a girl and when it can be fixed to the ring on her finger then make him as your wife " .

Then Hian Hok go and according to Martin again , Hian Hok do his trip, when it begins with Susua the river and headed up towards the upper reaches of the river . The tip of the journey is in the region of Hok Hian in Gomo . This is where the majority of people of Nias until now referred to as the area from which they originated in Nias . Occupied territory Hian Hok in Gomo is one of the villages above Gomo within about eight Kilometers named Boronadu ( read : berenadu ) in the village of Gomo Sifalago .

When Hian Hok was sitting in a large tree ( Fosi wood ) arrived - suddenly appeared a woman , many arguments stating that the woman was her mother , there are also other women who expressed . When her mother was pinned 's ring on the finger of the woman and fit , and then they got married and had offspring we call Nias child until now .
(short story about Nias)

The Nias archipelago, a group of small islands on the west coast of West Sumatra. This group is consist of 11 islands along the coast with biggest are Nias and Siberut islands. Nias People has of Mongoloid physical characters, with bright yellow accented skin and straight hairs. They live in a simple way, and just currently they got the influence from Sumatra mainland. Their megalithic culture is still strong, which is become the main attraction for tourists beside their fine beaches and clear water. Most people lives on farming and fishing.

The famous tourist's attraction is the ceremony of initiation or war training. A high wall is installed on the front of the house. During the initiation ceremony a youth is required to be able to jump over the wall. When he is able to pass this ceremony than he is considered as entering the full right in the society. The ceremony is called "zawozawo" Not less interesting is their housing architecture and pattern. Traditional villages such as Bawomataluwo and Hilisimaetano are not unfamiliar among world adventures, and anthropological researchers.

Their language is Malay-Polynesian with 3 dialects, but they understand each other. Since they do not introduce writing, their words' vocabulary might changes throughout the decades have passed. On the west coast of Sumatra island there are many small islands inhabited by local people from unknown time such as Simalubek, Banyak, Nias, Batu, Siberut, Sipora, Pagai and Enggano.

The group of Nias island is the biggest among them and record was started that Nias people has been in trade relation with Aceh in 1669 which gave them an influence of Islam, While Christian just reached the island much later since 1874 especially in the town of gunung Sitoli, the Catholic came later in 1914 reached on the southern area of Nias islands. The development of population on Nias has been very fast, a record for 1914 was 130.000, in 1967 has been doubled to 300.000. According to the research by E.E.W.Gs Schroeder that before the arrival of Dutch trader in 1669 the Nias has been doing trade relation with Aceh, Chinese, Malay and the Bugis. The color of Nias people is more yellower then other people of Indonesia which origin is still not yet clear.

In general the language spoken by Nias people can be grouped as Malay-Polynesian stem, but the level of morphemic it is different from other Indonesian dialects. Their words do not introduce in the middle or at the end, which is called vocalist dialect. Also the use of O phoneme makes different from other dialects. Within the area of Nias itself there 2 dialects, one is used on northern area, and the other is on southern area. Nias island is the main island enclosed by other small islands such as Hinako, Senau, Safau and Batu islands. West beach of the islands is faced with strong wave of Indian Ocean and in the middle is mountainous with the highest peak of 886 m above sea level.

Most villages are in the difficult inner part of the island which is a clear technique for them in resistencing of the invader. The shape of it's village mostly u-shape and the house of the head on the bottom of U. While on the west area the pattern of the village parallel house rows. The original house of they are 2 Nias is made on stilt with oval outline or quadrangular shape of basement. This is the traditional house of Nias which size is bigger then other families houses. The traditional house is divided into 2 part, the front functioned as place for receiving guest including guest for overnight, and inner part for the family and owner. At the front of the houses are menhirs, a megalithic construction made of stone in anthropomorphic and huge penis. Also stone altar at the front of the house which was used to organized a big feast in the past from the status increase their social status. In southern Nias villages stone jump altars still can be seen today, especially at Teluk Dalam village. This high jump was a training to the villages to jump over enemi's wall or any high barriers during war.

Isolated yet worldly, the Nias Island chain has been trading since prehistory with other cultures, other islands, and even mainland Asia. Some historians and archaeologists have cited the local culture as one of the few remaining Megalithic cultures in existence today. While this point of view is hotly debated, there is no doubt that Nias' relative geographic isolation has created a unique culture. As a culture of traders, the people of Nias find tourists to be a welcome – and historically familiar – phenomenon.[citation needed]

  Nias ceremonial stone jump.
Nias is best known for its diversity of festivals and celebration. The most well-known events are War Dances, performed regularly for tourists, and Stone Jumping, a manhood ritual that sees young men leaping over two meter stone towers to their fate. In the past the top of the stone board is covered with spikes and sharp pointed bamboo. The music of Nias, performed mostly by women, is noted worldwide for its haunting beauty.
Gunungsitoli is home to Nias's only museum, the Museum Pusaka Nias (Nias Heritage Foundation), which houses over 6000 objects related to Nias's cultural heritage. The museum had recently built a new building and had improved their storage and exhibitions when the 2004 earthquake and tsunami occurred. The museum suffered some damage to the grounds and collections, but museum staff are working to recover from this devastating event
The predominant religion is Protestant Christianity. Six out of seven Niasans are Protestant; the remainder are about evenly divided between Muslim (mostly immigrants from elsewhere in Indonesia) and Catholic. However adherence to either Christian or Muslim religions is still largely symbolic; Nias continues into current day celebrating its own indigenous culture and traditions as the primary form of spiritual expression.
The people of Nias build omo sebua houses on massive ironwood pillars with towering roofs. Not only were they almost impregnable to attack in former tribal warfare, their flexible nail-less construction provide proven earthquake durability.
Nias is home not only to a unique human culture but also endemic fauna which differ from other areas of North Sumatra because of the island's remote location separate from Sumatra.
Visitor see this tradition at the village called Bawomataluo and Hilisimaetano a village in Nias normally facilitated with water fountain which is used as public bathing place, while for water closed they built on their pig house. In the past they have many animistic constructions which have been change into churches and they still call it Osali. The main subsistence of Nias people is farmer both at highland and lowland. They use simple tools such as long knife, like sword, hues and stick. They don not know the use of plough sagged by cow or buffaloes as other parts of Indonesia. The Nias people use round knife like fingering to harvest by bare hands. They grow rice, tapioca, yam, beans, chili, corn, banana and other minor horticulture when go for hunting to protect their cultivation from wild animal such as wild pigs, squires, deer, fruit bats and others. They use net to trap the animal by driving them to their net using dogs. Other also sail to the sea for fishing or capture the fish using nets. Their most popular domesticated animal is pig, goats, and cow.

Nias was ever known as pig exporter in the recent decade, yet today their production has been really going down. Beside animal growing they also able to make tools in metal such as sword and long knife for arm with beautiful shape. Genealogy system of Nias is a big family called Sangambato which is consist of Senior family with families of their children. This Sangambato is a unit of economic life and based on patrilineal lineage. Bato is called Mado or Gana. Within a Mado or Gana member can not merry each other unless each of the couple can be proved that they genealogically already at least 10th generation, so Nias people has the marriage tradition of exogamy between Mado. The process of marriage in Nias tradition consist of many steps. First the parent of the youth will come to the family of the girl advising the intention of their son to marry their daughter, while bring girls' family 3 pao gold (1 pao around 10 gram). As a change the family of the girl gives a bag of boiled pig meat. Three week after the family of the youth return the bag with boiled pig meat second step is the discussion to set us the date of marriage ceremony and the amount of payment in gold to girl's parent. Third step is marriage ceremony, when a big number of pig are slaughtered for the invitees and big feast, which mean show up of wealthy. After finishing this ceremony then the bridge is brought to her husband house. The parent of the girl will 4 give this new couple one female pig and a sword as the first capital for them to build the family. When the couple has a child whom given a name for example "Hilo" then their relatives or neighbor will address they wife as Ama Hilo for the husband, and Ina Hilo for the wife.

Death ceremony is very important in Nias society, the same as Tiwah and Ngaben in Bali. This ceremony take a big vast. It can be a slaughating of 200-300 pigs during ceremony. But today, only certain person or family that still conduct this type of ceremony to show their Velethyness. In the past the people of Nias introduced social strata especially South Nias. Siulu or Nable, Ere or religious leaders, Ono Mbanera or Common people, and Sawuyu or Slave. Slaves that were capture of war or abduction were said to have been sacrificed during ancient ceremony. The Nias before they know foreign religion such as Christianity, Moslem and Buddhist they already have their original belief called Pelebegu. The Pelebegu is basically a worship of ancestor's worship, yet there are also myth about time after death, pantheon and the status of human life elements such as they body and the spirit. When one died the body back into dust, and the spirit continue to live in the heaven what they call Teteholi Ana'a.


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House of Traditional Nias "Omo Hada",,

Preservation of Omo Hada Site

I. Background.
North Sumatera Heritage is one of NGO in North Sumatra that have concern on saving the cultural and natural heritage. It was founded at the beginning by NGO’s activists, historian, and antropologist from University of North Sumatra on 10 November 1998 in Medan, North Sumatera Province. One of the reasons in forming the institution is based on the reality in connection between heritage and development . There is unjustice condition when the development process tend to alienate the existence of natural and cultural heritage. So, it is important to give serious attention and advocacy the right of people in relation with their cultural and natural heritage..
The main issue that will be run by North Sumatra Heritage (NSH) is saving the natural and cultural heritage especially in North Sumatra region. For cultural heritage NSH’s concern on tangible and intangible heritage. Both of the type of heritage have important role in forming a culture concept in the community. For natural heritage our concern is how to preserve and save the environment through cultural approach. So, both of natural and cultural heritage are very important to keep and saved
North Sumatra Province is the one of province in Indonesia. This province is located in the West of Indonesia and covered by two coastal area, West Coast and East Coast; and also surrounding by many Palm Plantation Company from colonial era. In the last, when colonial era, North Sumatra also known as Eastern Sumatra. Many people from the different ethnic live in this region. They consist of Batak, Malay, Java, China, Nias, Minangkabau, Aceh, India, etc. All of them have important role in forming the culture in North Sumatra. There are more than 12 million peoples that live in this province that spread in 27 regency. Each of regency have an unique cultural and natural heritage.
Mostly the cultural heritage in North Sumatra influenced by colonial era and amalgamation process. Some of the cultural heritage is come from dutch and british colonial era, and amalgamation between the Malay ethnic with another ethnic like: Cina, Batak, Java, Aceh, Minagkabau, India /Tamil.
Medan is the Capital City of North Sumatra Province with total population around 2 million peoples. Medan is the third biggest city of Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya. Although many ethnic live in this town, but there is no dominant culture. Each of ethnic can live side by side with peaceful. This town has shown the symbol of multiculturalism. In this town, we also can find the heritage building from colonial era but not much. Most of the old building has been changed by the modern building, like mall and plaza. Although there is regulation that protect the old building but caused by economic factor many old building from colonial era has been lost.
Although our area of work cover in North Sumatra, but in this paper we will exposed our activities in Nias Island; one of regency in North Sumatra Province that have many rich cultural and natural heritage.

II. Nias Island: One of Cultural Heritage in North Sumatra
Nias Island is the part of North Sumatra Province that have many rich of cultural and natural heritage. Location of this regency is separated by the sea from other region in North Sumatra Province . It was located between 0 12’ – 1 32’ NL and 97 – 98’ EL. Geographically, Nias has boundary
- In the North border on Pulau Banyak and Aceh Province
- In the South border on Southern Nias
- In the East border on Pulau Mursala, Middle Tapanuli
- In the West border on Indonesia Ocean
Base on the data from Statistical Bureaue 2006, total population in the whole of Nias are 729.966 people that separate in the area as wide as 532.050 Km2
[2]. It has been cover both of Main Nias with capital city Gunung Sitoli and Southern Nias with capital city Teluk Dalam. In the last ,Southern Nias still part of Nias regency or Main Nias. But since 2003 Southern Nias has become an otonomous region
[3]. When the big earthquake hit Nias on 28 March 2005 with the richter scale 8.7, many facilities and infrastructure like the building, bridge, road get serious damaged and could not be function. But we stilll find “Omo Hada”, the Traditional House of Nias people athat still stand up with sturdiness and become a silent witness when the big earthquake hit Nias.

III. Omo Hada: Traditional House of Nias People
There are many term of traditional house of Nias people. Some people was called as Omo Hada[4]; Omo Sebua[5] and Omo Nifolasara[6].. According to the type, Omo Hada can be divide in three model: oval, square and combine between square and oval size. In Southern Nias the type of Omo Hada is in Square size; in Gunung Sitoli is oval size. Combining of the oval and square size can be found in the North of Nias.
The significant meaning of Omo Hada is a symbol of properties from the owner and his power to the villagers. Omo Hada also become represent of cosmology of Nias people in relation with their live and environment. Nias people believe if the world has divide in three level: up world, middle world and low world. It can be seen from the structure of Omo Hada.
As traditional house, Omo Hada become a unique building because didn’t use nail in the structure and all of material consist of the hard wood. This is one of the reason why Omo Hada still hold out from earthquake disaster. It has been evident if Omo Hada still stand up and strong enough although hit by the big earthquake. The existence and sturdiness of Omo Hada has been inspired of many people to take lesson learnt from this building.
There is no much anymore traditional house “Omo Hada” in Nias Island. There are around 4 Omo Hada with the big size that still exist in Southern Nias. One of the house is located at Hilinawalo Mazingo village, Teluk Dalam subdistrict, Southern Nias. Total population in Hilinawalo Mazingo village are 2435 equal with 480 head of families, consist of 1146 females and 1249 males. Population is dominated by young man and children. Mostly people get married at twenty years old and seventeen years old.. many teenagers do not stay in the village and usually go to the town for study or work in plantation company. Hilinawalo Mazingo village the one of adat village that still exist in Southern Nias. As a custom village, usually, the village still use the custom ways in their live and Omo Hada site has become a center of custom activity in the village.

IV. Preservation Activities : Experience from North Sumatra Heritage
Some effort and activities that has been done by North Sumatra Heritage in relation with preservation of Omo Hada at Hilinawalo Mazingo village are below:

1. Technical Studies
Technical studies is the first step of our activity to preserve Omo Hada. There are two activities that has been done in this stage. First, measurement the wide of the village and height the village from the sea level. Then, we also documented and record all of houses in the village not only traditional houses but also Malay houses [7]. Second, run measuring the detail of Omo Hada that include the upper part, lower part and middle part. Out put of the technical studies is a Map about Omo Hada site and sketch of house’s compound in the village. Meanwhile the aim of this activity is to get detail information about Omo Hada site.

2. Mapping and Inventory
The aim of mapping activity is to get description about the village and its environment.and the result of mapping is a simple map about area that mapped with the villagers. Some activity that will be done in mapping activity consist of : walk around the village, inventorying the ornament in Omo hada, interior and exterior side including the meaning of symbol in the ornament.; identifying and inventorying the kind of trees or native wood ion the village forest. During run the mapping, we still can find the native “hard” wood “Afoa tree” in the village forest .
We also found correlation between symbol of ornament in the interior and exteri or of ornament at Omo Hada with the plant that growth around the village forest. The tree could found in the village like Afoa tree (red meranti). This is one of the material wood that used for Omo Hada.
Inventory activity conducted by noting some tools and ornament also interviewing the Chiefs of Omo hada, local leader, informal and formal leader in the village about the history and other relevant information.
Both of Technical Studies and Mapping/Inventory above are possible to be done through support from World Monument Fund. This is the part of emergency stabilisastion of Omo Hada before restoration. Output of the activity is provide the data and information about detail Omo Hada site, the village profile in social, cultural and natural aspect.

3. Carpentry Course
The sturdiness of Omo Hada, has been inspired any parties to take lesson from the building. All of material of the building consist of the hardwood and stand on the stone as foundation. It was evidence if the building able to endure the big earthquake that hit Nias in several times. So it is important to inheritance the knowledge and experience of Nias people in building the houses from wood material. Transfer of knowledge about the carpentry skill from the older generation to the younger generation of Nias is very important to be done, if not the local knowledge will be lost. This is the main reason why the carpentry course training is very important to be done in Nias after earthquake. The course training is lead by the master of carpenter from the village and followed by the youth generation of Nias people. There are 20 young generation of Nias that participate in this training. At the end of Carpentry Course, participant of training succed to create the miniatur and replica of Omo Hada site .The carpentry course has been done fore one month since November/December 2005.

4. Seedling of Afoa Trees
Recently, Nias people didn’t interest to build again the traditional house because the wood material is difficult to find. Although in some area we still found the wood but not much. So, this is important to save and plant the native hardwood, seed of Afoa trees in Nias, especially after earthquake. This is our main reason to run seedling Afoa wood.
Seedling activity was done during May and July 2006 along with the people through planting 1200 afoa trees (the red meranti) on the 5 villages. Planting of Afoa trees also done at the school through involving the student from the high school and run the workshop about the urgent of seedling activity. The workshop was attended by the elder, teacher and the student. Through the seedling activity and the workshop we want to raise awareness of the people about the urgent of natural heritage that they own. Both of Seedling of Afoa tree and Carpentry Course were possible to be implemented after there is collaboration and supporting from Turnstone Tsunami Fund.

5. Restoration
On 2007, we start to run the restoration work of Omo Hada at Hilinawalo Mazingo village. After run the assessment, there are some part of Omo Hada need to be repaired : Roof, Floor, Wall and Supporting beam of the roof and Sikholi.
NSH run the assesment in preparing the restoration since January 2007. During in the assesment, NSH run the inventories about the detail of part of Omo Hada that must be repaired, wood material that will be used and carpenter that will involve in the restoration. All process of the restoration work was started with any step below :

a. Assesment
Assesment has been done since Januari 2007. The aim of this activity is to get detail information about anything that have connected with preparation of Omo Hada’s restoration. Based on the assesment known if some of part of Omo Hada need serious attention like : the wall foundation (sikholi), the wall (laso), son of the wall (ono laso), roof on the top, right and left side; supporting beam of roof and floor on the kitchen room.

b. Measuring and Providing the Wood Material
On May 2007 the restoration work of Omo Hada was started with run the measuring the part of Omo Hada and other material that will be used on the restoration. Before starting the work of restoration, the carpenters and the Chiefs of Omo Hada run the Adat ceremony and Praying together .

c. Adat ceremony
Slaughtering the pig was done as indicate the important part of adat ceremony. After that, people will run feast together. The feast ceremony attended by head of the church, elder in the village, carpenter, and represent from other village. This ceremony is very important, first to inform to the public if there is working in the village; second, praying to the God for safety during in the work; third, as a symbol of prestige especially for the owner.

d. Praying together
The restoration work run after the adat ceremony done. The head of carpenter ask permission to the Chiefs of Omo Hada to pray together before start the work. The aim of activity is to get protect and safety from the God during run the restoration work.
The restoration work lead by the master carpenter from the village and assist by some carpenters in the village. Some parts of Omo Hada that will be repaired.: SIkholi (wall foundation) on the right and left side; Wall on the right and left side; Floor on the kitchen room; Roof on the right and the left side; Supporting Beam of the roof.
All of the restoration work use the expert from local carpenter in the village and involving the Chief of Omo Hada site. We realize if the Chiefs and people in the village still have knowledge and experience in building their traditional house

6. Current Condition of Omo Hada
Preservation activities that we have done in Nias has give us many experience in relation with saving and protecting the Omo Hada site and Hilinawalo Mazingo village in Southern Nias regency. Although we have work in Nias before earthquake, and become more intensive after earthquake. But it can not be done if there is no supporting from any parties, mainly from people in the site location.
There are many changing in Nias Island since many international aid agency develop this region. The changing process can be seen through building many facilities and infrastructure around in Southern Nias and Main Nias. The reconstruction and rehabilition process still going on and will be finishing on April 2009. Mostly the process of rehabilitation and reconstruction, especially building the houses still use the concrete material, meanwhile Nias Island is very sensitive with the earthquake. So, it would be wise if the rehabilitation and reconstruction process use the wood material. Because this material is very adaptable and more resist with the earthquake.
We should recognize that condition of Omo Hada site after restoration become more stronger and sturdiness then before. It can be seen when the carpenter still run the thatching process on the upstair side of Omo Hada at the same time the big earthquake hit Bengkulu also Nias with magnitude 7.9 on the richter scale. It was amazing, the carpenter that still can work on the roof but they didn’t feel any vibration caused by the earthquake.
Because the owner still live in the house, they should be take care and protect this house from any damage threatment, especially from the water threatment when they cook at the kitchen room. Beside the water, insect infestation to the wood also become serious threatment.
The restoration work process that has been done was recovery the important part of Omo Hada, like Sikholi (the wall foundation on the left, the right and the backside of Omo Hada), roof, floor and some of the wall and many supporting beam on the upstair side of Omo Hada.

7. Closing: Message for the 1st Conference of Asian National Trust
It was great that the 1st Conference of Asian National Trust can be implemented in Seoul since 22 – 23 May 2008. This is the important point for Heritage Organization in Asia to revive from the sleep. Since long time, Asian countries are very famous with the cultural heritage that have contributed to form the civilization in the world. There are many cultural heritage that spread around in Asian Countries. But the most important thing is all of heritage have important role in forming and enrich the cultural heritage in the world.
Through this conference, we hope there is understanding about the urgent of networking and partnership between heritage organization in Asian countries. We also hope the conference able to build alliance and solidarity between heritage organization in Asian countries. Sharing information and exchange the experience are very important between the heritage organization in Asian countries.
There is condition in developing countries that cultural heritage development. tend to marginalized from development as generally. Development always put economic approach as priority and didn’t give serious attention for the cultural aspect. Many old building has been changed by the new modern building. It was become worst when the policy and regulation tend to oriented and give opportunity for economic oriented.
The first conference of Asian National Trust in Seoul Korea have important role to put a basic platform for heritage organization in Asian countries to give respons any changing in the world especially that have relation with cultural heritage. Asian countries are a part of community in the world that have contribute in forming the civilization in the world.
Through these conference we hope there is a new paradigm that will be born regarding with developing of cultural and natural heritage in Asian Countries. We also hope there is a commitment and opportunity from all participant of the conference to develop a collaboration between heritage organization in preservation, conservation, training and education. It would be possible if there is a strong networking between heritage organizatioin in Asian Countries. Hopefuly.
[1] Bappeda Nias, 2004
[2] Center of Statstical Bureau of Southern Nias 2006 and Nias District 2006
[3] The otonomous status accepted on 25 February 2003 from the governemnt
[4] Omo Hada is Adat House or Traditional House
[5] Omo Sebua is Adat House with the big size
[6] Omo Nifolasara is Adat House with the big size and have Lasara “the head of animal/monster” in the front of the upper side. In the last, only a king can build this house.
[7]Traditional house is custom house that build from material wood. Malay houses is type of house that build from concrete and stone material 
sumber : http://northsumateraheritage.blogspot.com

Rumah Adat Nias "Omo hada", tahan Gempa!

Omo Hada tidak rubuh saat gempa besar menghempaskan Nias dua tahun lalu. Rumah tradisional terbuat dari kayu tanpa paku ini hanya bergeser sedikit, padahal usianya sudah mencapai ratusan tahun. Anehnya, rumah-rumah batu bersemen dengan rancangan masa kini malah banyak yang hancur.

RUMAH-rumah kayu beratap oval masih berdiri kokoh di desa tradisional Tumori, Gunungsitoli. Beberapa rumah sudah menggunakan pernis serta bercat masa kini meskipun bentuk aslinya tidak berubah, kecuali pintu masuk yang dialihkan dari samping melalui tangga kayu. “Aslinya, pintu masuk omo nhada dari bawah kolong, tapi sekarang hampir semua dari samping supaya tamu mudah untuk masuk ke dalam,” kata Ya’aro Zebua, 72 tahun.

Ya’aro Zebua adalah arsitek atau tukang yang memiliki keahlian membangun rumah adat Nias (omo hada) di Desa Tumori. Dia mendapatkan keahlian itu secara turun-temurun. “Desa ini sudah berusia lebih 200 tahun,” katanya, “semua rumah di sini dibangun oleh kakek dan orangtua saya.”

Omo hada asli tidak menggunakan paku, melainkan pena dan pasak kayu, sebagaimana rumah knock down atau bongkar pasang. Bahan kayu yang digunakan merupakan pilihan, diperoleh dari hutan-hutan di Nias. “Sekarang susah mencari kayu-kayu pilihan untuk membangun rumah adat, sudah habis dari hutan,” ungkap Zebua. Syukurlah, rumbia untuk atap rumah masih dapat dibuat dari nyiur sehingga bumbungannya tetap tampak unik. Bumbungan kelihatan jadi semakin unik dengan adanya satu hingga dua tuwu zago, yaitu jendela di bagian atap sebagai ventilasi dan sumber cahaya bagi rumah. Tuwu zago ini terdapat di atap bagian depan dan belakang bumbungan.

Tiang Kayu dan Simbol Omo Hada
Setiap omo hada memiliki enam tiang utama yang menyangga seluruh bangunan. Empat tiang tampak di ruang tengah rumah, sedang dua tiang lagi tertutup oleh papan dinding kamar utama. Dua tiang di tengah rumah itu disebut simalambuo berupa kayu bulat yang menjulang dari dasar hingga ke puncak rumah. Dua tiang lagi adalah manaba berasal dari pohon berkayu keras dipahat empatsegi, demikian pula dua tiang yang berada di dalam kamar utama. Setiap tiang mempunyai lebar dan panjang tertentu satu dengan lainnya. “Semakin lebar jarak antara tiang simalambuo dengan tiang manaba maka semakin berpengaruhlah si pemilik rumah,” ungkap Ya’aro Zebua lagi.

Rumah-rumah adat di Nias juga tidak memiliki jendela. Sekelilingnya hanya diberi teralis kayu tanpa dinding sehingga setiap orang di luar rumah dapat mengetahui siapa yang berada di dalamnya. Menurut Zebua, desain ini menandakan orang Nias bersikap terbuka, jadi siapapun di desa dapat mengetahui acara-acara di dalam rumah, terutama yang berkaitan dengan adat dan masalah masyarakat setempat. Biasanya pemilik rumah bersama ketua adat duduk di bangku memanjang di atas lantai yang lebih tinggi—disebut sanuhe—sambil bersandar ke kayu-kayu teralis, sedangkan yang lainnya duduk di lantai lebih rendah atau disebut sanari. Setiap acara adat akan berlangsung di dalam rumah, terlebih dulu seisi kampung diundang dengan membunyikan faritia (gong) yang tergantung di tengah rumah. Faritia di rumah adat Nias Selatan dilengkapi oleh fondrahi, yaitu tambur besar sebagaimana terlihat di omo sebua—rumah besar untuk raja dan bangsawan—di Desa Bawomatoluo, Teluk Dalam.

Segi artistik juga menjadi perhatian dalam pembangunan omo hada. Banyak kayu-kayu berukir menghias interior dan eksterior rumah. Ini menandakan orang Nias mempunyai rasa seni tinggi.

Kayu Elastis Menahan Gempa
Mengapa omo hada tak rubuh saat gempa? Ya’aro Zebua mengatakan kayu-kayu yang digunakan untuk rumah mereka bersifat elastis. " Jadi saat gempa rumah pun 'main' [ikut bergerak] sesuai guncangan bumi.” Tetapi, diakuinya, gerakan-gerakan itu telah membuat posisi tiang-tiang rumah bergeser sehingga tampak miring. Selain itu, dia mengungkapkan, umumnya atap di puncak bumbungan mengalami kerusakan walaupun tak begitu berarti.

Rumah-rumah di Nias bagian utara, seperti Desa Tumori, umumnya disangga oleh balok-balok kayu berbentuk letter X yang disebut diwa. Diwa menahan lantai rumah di bagian kolong, selain ada pula siloto yang berupa kayu panjang yang menempel di bagian bawah papan lantai rumah tersebut. Siloto langsung menahan lantai rumah, dan merupakan bagian kayu yang paling elastis. Ada juga gohomo, yaitu kayu-kayu yang tegak lurus menopang dan memagari seluruh kolong rumah sehingga omo hada semakin kokoh sekaligus elastis. Gohomo berada di bagian terluar pada kolong rumah, sedangkan siloto dan diwa berada di bagian dalamnya.

Rumah Empatsegi dan Lettter V di Bawomatoluo
Kalau balok penyangga omo hada di kawasan Nias utara berbentuk letter X, maka di Nias Selatan berbentuk letter V. Bentuk itu tampak di rumah-rumah desa tradisional, seperti Bawomatoluo, Hilinawalu Mazingo, Hilinawalu Fao dan sebagainya. Rumah adat di sini pun tidak oval, melainkan berbentuk empatsegi mulai dari atap hingga keseluruhan bagian bangunan.

Bawomatoluo adalah desa tradisional berusia ratusan tahun. Desa ini paling lengkap menyimpan ornamen tradisional Nias Selatan, berada sekitar 8 kilometer dari Teluk Dalam. Setiap orang yang ingin memasuki desa mesti menaiki 91 anak tangga terbuat dari batu hasil pahatan para ahli Bawomatoluo.

Ada satu rumah paling besar di sini, yaitu omo sebua sebagai tempat bermukim raja atau kepala suku. Di halaman sebelah kiri rumah tersusun batu empatsegi setinggi dua meter dengan pijakan sekira 45 centimeter di bawahnya. Batu ini menjadi tempat para prajurit Bawomatoluo untuk memperlihatkan kemampuan lompat mereka—kini merupakan ikon pariwisata Nias: lompat batu. Lalu persis di halaman depan rumah terdapat batu-batu besar yang terpahat rapi untuk duduk raja beserta tetua adat atau tamu-tamu desa.

Selain di Bawomatoluo, setiap desa tradisional di Nias Selatan juga memiliki omo sebua. Namun, kini atap omo hada di desa-desa itu, termasuk Bawomatoluo, rata-rata sudah tidak asli lagi dari rumbia. Semua diganti dengan seng. Demikian pula atap omo sebua sudah menggunakan seng. Perubahahan ini, menurut Pikiran Nehe dari Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan, terjadi setelah dilakukan pemugaran. Soalnya, katanya, rumbia untuk atap omo hada mulai jarang diproduksi di Nias, padahal kebutuhannya sangat besar. Misalnya, omo sebua saja membutuhkan sekitar dua ribu lembar atap rumbia, belum lagi rumah-rumah lainnya. Namun, tambahnya, perubahan atap dengan seng tidak mengubah desain asli omo sebua. “Selain Bawomatoluo, ada dua desa lagi memiliki omo sebua yang tetap akan dipertahankan, yaitu di Desa Hilinawalu Mazingo dan Hilinawalu Fao,” ungkap Nehe. Ini untuk menjaga dan melestarikan kekayaan budaya Nias Selatan.

Ciri asli juga masih tampak dari pintu masuk omo sebua di Bawomatoluo. Setiap orang mesti masuk melalui pintu dari bagian bawah kolong rumah. Interior rumah pun masih terjaga, dimana dapur terdapat di ruangan tengah dan satu lagi di bagian belakang. “Posisi dapur di ruangan tengah menandakan bahwa omo sebua adalah milik semua rakyat desa ini,” kata Pikiran Nehe.

Ornamen Nias di Omo Sebua
Ornamen-ornamen yang melambangkan kekayaan budaya terpasang di dinding omo sebua, seperti tambur besar fondrahi, rangkaian puluhan tengkorak babi, peralatan perang khas Nias, dan aneka hiasan lainnya. Bangunan omo sebua yang lebih besar, berlantai tinggi, dan berada di tengah desa, membuat raja atau kepala suku dapat mengamati seluruh desa tanpa keluar dari rumah. Tetapi kalau dia ingin mengumpulkan rakyatnya maka cukup dengan memukul fondrahi.

Hikayat Mana’o, seniman yang bermukim di Bawomatoluo, mengemukakan banyak orang sudah mengunjungi omo sebua pada desa-desa tradisional di Nias dan Nias Selatan. Namun, menurutnya, setelah mengunjungi Bawomatoluo mereka mendapatkan ternyata omo sebua di sini paling unik menggambarkan kekayaan budaya Nias. “Ornamen omo sebua dan seluruh desa Bawomatoluo dianggap paling lengkap serta menarik,” katanya. Salah satu ornamen itu terlihat pada seni pahat batu yang juga unik di desa ini, mulai dari tangga masuk, lompat batu hingga aneka perkakas bebatuan di halaman omo sebua.

Dulu, menurut Mana’o, untuk membangun omo sebua saja ada tujuh tahap yang mesti dilampaui oleh leluhur mereka, mulai dari pembangunan fondasi hingga ke atap. “Setiap tahap biasanya diselesaikan dengan mengadakan upacara yang mengorbankan puluhan ekor babi,” ungkapnya. Maka sampai tahap terakhir ada ratusan ekor hewan itu dikorbankan untuk membangun satu omo sebua. “Semua tengkorak kepala babi itu dipajangkan di bagian dalam rumah untuk menunjukkan kebesaran omo sebua,” jelas Mana’o.

Saat ini balok-balok berletter V berukuran besar yang menyangga omo sebua mulai terlihat lapuk. Namun rumah yang kini dihuni oleh generasi kelima raja Bawomatoluo masih kokoh berdiri, padahal bangunan utamanya sejak dari fondasi, lantai dan rangka rumah hingga dinding-dinding sama sekali tak menggunakan paku. “Omo hada—termasuk omo sebua—memang merupakan bangunan knock down, tanpa paku,” kata Solistis Dachi, kepala Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Nias Selatan. Ini membuatnya menjadi unik dan tahan dari guncangan gempa. Saking uniknya, dia mengatakan, ratusan tahun lalu penjajah Belanda pernah membawa satu omo sebua ke negerinya beserta satu keluarga orang Nias yang ahli untuk merancang bangunnya kembali di sana. “Sampai kini omo sebua itu masih ada di Kopenhagen, Denmark,” ungkapnya.

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Lyrics Lagu Rohani II


Above all powers, Above all things
Above all nature and all created things
Above all wisdom and all the ways of man
You were here before the world began
Above all kingdoms, Above all thrones
Above all wonders the world has ever known
Above all wealth and treasures of the earth
There’s no way to measure what You’re worth
Laid behind the stone
You lived to die
Rejected and alone
Like a rose trampled on the ground
You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all


Bapa Engkau sungguh baik
Kasih-Mu melimpah dihidupku
Bapa kubertrimakasih
Berkat-Mu hari ini yang Kau sediakan bagiku
Kunaikan syukurku buat hari yang Kau bri
Tak habis-habisnya kasih dan rahmat-Mu
Slalu baru dan tak pernah terlambat pertolongan-Mu
Besar setia-Mu dis’panjang hidupku


When i’m down & my soul so weary
When troubles come & my heart burdened be
Then, i’m still & wait here in the silence
Untill you come and sit a while with me
You raise me up so i can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I’m strong when im on your shoulders
You raise me up..
To more than i can be..


Cinta itu, lemah lembut
Sabar sederhana
Cinta itu murah hati
Rela menderita…
Ajarilah kami, Bahasa Cinta-Mu
Agar kami dekat, pada-Mu ya Tuhanku
Ajarilah kami, Bahasa Cinta-Mu
Agar kami dekat padamu…

Seperti Rusa Rindu SungaiMu

Sperti rusa rindu sungaimu jiwaku rindu Engkau
Kaulah Tuhan hasrat hatiku kurindu menyembahMu

Engkau kekuatan dan perisaiku
KepadaMu Rohku berserah
Kau lah TUhan hasrat hatiku kurindu menyembahMU
Yesus yesus Kau berarti bagiku
Yesus Yesus Kau segalanya bagiku


Boney M
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down
yeah we wept, when we remembered Zion.
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down
yeah we wept, when we remembered Zion.
When the wicked
Carried us away in captivity
Required from us a song
Now how shall we sing the lord’s song in a strange land
When the wicked
Carried us away in captivity
Requiering of us a song
Now how shall we sing the lord’s song in a strange land
Let the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart
be acceptable in thy sight here tonight
Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts
be acceptable in thy sight here tonight
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down
yeah we wept, when we remembered Zion.
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down
yeah we wept, when we remembered Zion.
By the rivers of Babylon (dark tears of Babylon)
there we sat down (You got to sing a song)
yeah we wept, (Sing a song of love)
when we remember Zion. (Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
By the rivers of Babylon (Rough bits of Babylon)
there we sat down (You hear the people cry)
yeah we wept, (They need that ???)
when we remember Zion. (Ooh, have the power)

Sungguh Indah BersamaMu
Robert & Lea

Hanya dekat Allahku
Rasa tenang hatiku
Kau sertai jalanku
s’panjang hidupku
Hanya dekat padaMu
Ada kekuatan baru
Kaulah perlindunganku
Ku ingin s’lalu
Bersekutu denganMu
Menikmati hadiratMu
Biarkan RohMu
Tinggal dalam hidupku
Sungguh indah bersamaMu

“Tetap cinta Yesus”

Kumau cinta Yesus selamanya
Kumau cinta Yesus selamanya
Meskipun badai silih berganti dalam hidupku
Kutetap cinta Yesus selamanya
Kumau cinta Yesus selamanya
Kumau cinta Yesus selamanya
Meskipun badai silih berganti dalam hidupku
Kutetap cinta Yesus selamanya
Ya Bapa, Bapa ini aku anak-Mu
Layakkanlah seluruh hidupku
Ya Bapa, Bapa ini aku anak-Mu
Pakailah sesuai dengan rencanaMu

“Kutahu Bapa Pliharaku”

Kutahu Bapa Pliharaku
Dia baik, Dia baik
Kuyakin, Dia slalu sertaku
Dia baik bagiku
Kutahu Bapa Pliharaku
Dia baik, Dia baik
Kuyakin, Dia slalu sertaku
Dia baik bagiku
Lewat badai cobaan
Semuanya mendatangkan kebaikan
Kutahu Bapa pliharaku
Dia baik bagiku

“Seputih Bulu Domba”

Tak Kau lupakan diriku
Kau ingat ku adalah debu
Tetapi Kau meninggikannya
Di hadapan MalaikatMu
Tak Kau hapuskan namaku
Dari Kitab kehidupanMu
Kau tak mau mengakuiNya
Di hadapan Bapa…..
Kau Allah yang tiada
Mengingat lagi
Segala kesalahanku yang telah
Engkau ampuni
Walau dosaku merah
bak kain kesumba
Engkau menjadikanku putih
Seputih bulu domba


penuhiku dengan hadiratMu
urapiku dengan minyak kudusMu
Sperti rusa rindu sungaiMu,
begitulah jiwaku
Ya Roh Kudus penuhi aku
dengan urapan baru


As we come together
To worship and pray
Jesus we’re building a Throne
To let Your glory fill our land
As You have loved us, O Lord
We want to love one another
And all the world will know
That we are Your disiples O Lord
United we stand
In worship and prayer
Preparing the way
For The King of Glory
To come and to heal our land
United we stand
In worship and prayer
Jesus we come to answer Your prayer
United we stand
kami berseru dengan sehati
Didalam doa, pujian dan sembah
Lawatlah negri kami
Kami bersatu dengan sehati
‘Tuk menggenapi doaMu Yesus
Kami sehati

Karya Terbesar

Kasih yang terindah
Hati yang mulia
Hanya kutemukan di dalam-Mu
Pujian dari hatiku
Slalu disetiap waktuku
Tiada pernah berubah
Karya terbesar dalam hidupku
Pengorbanan-Mu yang slamatkanku
Engkaulah harta yang tak ternilai
Yang kumiliki dan kuhargai
Yesus Engkau kukagumi
Kematian-Mu menghidupkanku
Kupastikan pengorbanan-Mu
Tak akan pernah sia-sia

“Sungguh lndah BersamaMu”

Hanya dekat Allahku, rasa tenang hatiku
Kau sertai jalanku, s’panjang hidupku
Hanya dekat Allahku, ada kekuatan baru
Kaulah perlindunganku, ke’slamatanku
Kuingin s’lalu bersekutu denganMu
Menikmati hadiratMu
Biarkan RohMu,tinggal dalam hidupku
Sungguh indah bersamaMu

Kasih SetiaMu

Kasih setiaMu yang kurasakan
Lebih tinggi dari langit biru
KebaikanMu yang t’lah Kau nyatakan
Lebih dalam dari lautan
BerkatMu yang telah kuterima
Sempat membuatku terpesona
Apa yang tak pernah kupikirkan
Itu yang Kau sediakan bagiku
Siapakah aku ini Tuhan?
Jadi biji mataMu
Dengan apakah kubalas Tuhan?
S’lain puji dan sembah Kau

Nyanyian Kemenangan

(Wahyu 12:10-11)
Sekarang t’lah tiba
Kes’lamatan dan kuasa
Dan pem’rintahan Allah kita
Kuasa Dia yang diurapiNya
Kar’na t’lah dilemparkanNya
Para pendakwa kita
Oleh darah Anak Domba
Oleh kesaksian kita
Iblis dikalahkan
Kuasanya dihancurkan
Oleh darah Anak Domba

Allah Peduli

Bayak perkara,
Yang tak dapat ku mengerti
Mengapa harus terjadi didalam kehidupan ini
Satu perkara,
Yang kusimpan dalam hati
Tiada satupun kan terjadi tanpa Allah peduli
Allah Mengerti
Allah Peduli Segala persoalan yang kita hadapi
tak akan Pernah dibiarkannya
Ku bergumu sendiri s’bab Allah peduli

Allah Bangkit

Kerahkanlah Kekuatan-Mu
Ya… Allah
Tunjukkanlah Kuasa-Mu
Ya… Tuhan
Serakkan musuh-Mu…, s’lamatkanlah umat-Mu
Allah dahsyat di tempat,kudusNya
Allah bangkit… bersoraklah
Allah bangkit… bernyanyilah
Musuh dikalahkan
UmatNya dibebaskan
Allah dahsyat di tempat kudusNya…




Ku bawa hidupku skarang
Ke tempat kudus-Mu Tuhan
Di mesbah-Mu kuserahkan seluruh hidupku
Penuhi hatiku s’karang
Dengan urapan yang baru
Agar aku lebih lagi mendengar suara-Mu
Jadikan aku Tuhan rumah doa-Mu
Agar semua suku bangsa
Sujud menyembah-Mu
Jadikan aku Tuhan rumah doa-Mu
Agar semua suku bangsa
Datang menyembah-Mu


Belum pernah ada
Kasih didunia
Sanggup menerima diriku apa adanya
Selain kasihMU Yesus
Takkan ada lagi
Kasih seperti ini
Sanggup mengubahkan hidupku menjadi baru
Selain kashMU Yesus
reff :
Kau kukagumi dalam hati
KasihMU tiada duanya
Sampai kini kuakui kasihMU tiada duanya { 2x }


Dari Utara ke Selatan,
Terdengar pujian bagi Allah
Dari Barat sampai ke Timur, nama Yesus disanjung tinggi
Dari pulau-pulau, lembah-lembah
Gunung-gunung yang tinggi
KemuliaanNya disaksikan,
KebesaranNya dic’ritakan
Yesus, Yesus, nama Yesus
Nama Yesus disanjung tingg
Dari pulau-pulau, lembah-lembah
Gunung-gunung yang tinggi
Allahku dahsyat berkuasa
S’luruh bumi sujud menyembah
Tinggikan namaMu ooo…


Bukan dengan barang fana
Kau membayar dosaku
Dengan darah yang mahal
Tiada noda dan cela
Bukan dengan emas perak
Kau menebus diriku
Oleh segenap kasih
Dan pengorbananmu
Kutelah mati dan tinggalkan
Cara hidupku yang lama
Semuanya sia-sia
Dan tak berarti lagi
Hidup ini kuletakkan pada
Mezbahmu ya Tuhan
Jadilah padaku seperti
Yang Kau ingin


You know that I love You
You know that I want
To know You so much more
More than I have before
These words are from my heart
These words are not made up
I will live for You
I am devoted to You
King of Majesty, I have one desire
Just to be with You, My Lord
Just to be with You, My Lord
Jesus, You are the Saviour of my soul
And forever and ever I’ll give
My praises to You


Ku tak Membawa..Apapun Jua
Saat Ku datang Ke Dunia
Ku Tinggal Semua..Pada Akhirnya
Saat Ku Kembali Ke Surga
Reff : Inilah Yang Ku Punya
Hati S’bagai Hamba
Yang Mau Taat Dan Setia
Pada-Mu Bapa
Kemanapun Ku Bawa
Hati Yang Menyembah
Dalam Roh Dan Kebenaran
Sampai Slamanya
Bagaimanaku Membalas Kasih-Mu
S’gala Yang Ku Punya Itu Milik-Mu
Itu Milik-Mu…..


( You Are the Strength of My Life )

Engkaulah kekuatanku
Tempat perlindunganku
Saat badai menerpa
Aku tak akan goyah
Aku tak akan goyah
S’bab Kau sertaku
Sejauh langit dari bumi
Begitu besarnya kasihMu
Penuhi hati kami yang rindu
‘Tuk menyembahMu, Yesus
Sejauh langit dari bumi
Begitu besarnya kasihMu
Kaulah Tuhan kekuatanku
You are the strength of my life
You are my shepherd my joy
When the storm comes in my way
Nothing can separate us
Nothing compares to Your love
For You are God
As far as the Heaven above us
Oh Your love is greater than everything
We’ve come to You and bow down at Your feet
To worship You, O Lord
As far as the heaven above us
Oh Your Love is greater than everything
You are my God, You are my strength
And You are my joy




Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me -
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.
T’was Grace that taught -
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear -
the hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares -
we have already come.
T’was Grace that brought us safe thus far -
and Grace will lead us home.
The Lord has promised good to me -
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be -
as long as life endures.
When we’ve been here ten thousand years -
bright shining as the sun.
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise -
then when we’ve first begun.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me -
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.


Aku mengasihi Engkau Yesus dengan segenap hatiku
Aku mengasihi Engkau Yesus dengan segenap jiwaku
Kurenungkan firmanMu siang dan malam
Kupegang printahMu dan kulakukan
Engkau tahu ya Tuhan tujuan hidupku
Hanyalah untuk menyenangkan hatiMu


Aku diberkati sepanjang hidupku diberkati
Bila bangun pagi hari siang berganti malam
Aku diberkati


Allah ditinggikan dengan sorak sorai
Allah ditinggikan dengan sangkakala
Allah ditinggikan dengan sorak sorai
Bersoraklah bagi Tuhan 2X
Biar sangkakala berbunyi
Tepuk tangan puji Tuhan
Allah diagungkan 2X
Allah diagungkan tinggi


Bagaikan bejana siap dibentuk
Demikian hidupku ditanganMu
Dengan urapan kuasa RohMu
Ku dibaharui selalu
Jadikan kualat dalam rumahMu
Inilah hidupku ditanganMu
Bentuklah sturut kehendakMu
Pakailah sesuai rencanaMu
Ku mau sepertiMu Yesus
Disempurnakan selalu
Dalam setiap jalanku
Memuliakan namaMu


Bahwa Tuhan juga gunung batuku
Bahwa Tuhan juga kota bentengku
Bahwa Tuhan juga penolongku
Yaitu Allahku dan gunung batuku
Aku percaya akan Dia perlindunganku
Aku percaya akan Dia tanduk selamatku
Aku percaya akan Dia sang perisaiku
Tempat perlindungan yang tinggi


Bapa Surgawi ajarku mengenal
Betapa dalamnya KasihiMu
Bapa Surgawi buatku mengerti
Betapa KasihMu padaku
Semua yang terjadi di dalam hidupku
Ajarku menyadari Kau selalu sertaku
Bri hatiku selalu bersyukur padaMu
Karna rencanaMu indah bagiku


Berhembuslah Roh Kudus di tempat ini
Berhembuslah Roh Kudus dengan KuasaMu
Pulihkanlah grejaMu di akhir jaman
berhembuslah skarang
Urapilah kami dengan minyak baru
Penuhilah kami dengan hadiratMu
Kami rindu Tuhan melihat kuasaMu
Dicurahkan di tempat ini


Bersama Yesus lakukan perkara besar
Bersama Yesus tidak ada yang sukar
Bersama Yesus ada jalan keluar
Untuk masalahmu
untuk masalahku
Untuk masalah kita semua
Yesus Anak Domba Allah
Juruselamat umat manusia
Yesus Tabib yang ajaib
Dia menyembuhkan
Dia menguduskan
Dia membenarkan
Dia Raja sgala Raja


Betapa baiknya Engkau Tuhan
KasihMu tiada berkesudahan
Betapa mulia KasihMu 2X
Yesus jiwaku diselamatkan
Hosana ku memuji Tuhan
Hosana kutinggikan Yesus
Hosana 3X


Betapa hatiku
berterimakasih Yesus
Kau mengasihiku
Kau memilikiku
Hanya ini Tuhan persembahanku
Segenap hidupku jiwa dan ragaku
Sbab tak kumiliki harta kekayaan
Yang cukup berarti
tuk kupersembahkan
Hanya ini Tuhan permohonanku
Terimalah Tuhan persembahanku
Pakailah hidupku sebagai alatMu
seumur hidupku


Biar bumi akan berlalu
Biar bulan tak bercahaya lagi
Biar langit akan berguncang
Matahari tak bersinar lagi
Tetapi Tuhan Yesusku
tak pernah ingkar janji
Semua yang difirmankanNya
pasti akan digenapi


Tak usah ku takut Allah besertaku
Tak usah ku bimbang Yesus pliharaku
Tak usah ku susah Roh Kudus hiburku
Tak usah ku cemas Dia memberkatiku
El Shaddai 2X Allah Maha Kuasa
Dia besar 2Xx El Shaddai Mulia
El Shaddai 2X Allah Maha Kuasa
BerkatNya melimpah El Shaddai


FirmanMu plita bagi kakuku terang bagi jalanku 2X
Waktuku bimbang dan hilang jalanku
Tetaplah Kau di sisiku dan takkan kutakut
Asal Kau di dekatku besertaku selamanya


Hanya dekat Allah saja aku tenang
DaripadaNyalah keselamatanku
Hanya Dia Gunung batuku
Hanya Dia kota bentengku
Aku tidak akan goyah slama-lamanya


Hormat bagi Allah Bapa, Hormat bagi AnakNya
Hormat bagi Roh Penghibur, ketigaNya yang Esa
Haleluya. . . haleluya ketigaNya yang Esa


Yesuslah Tuhan yang layak ditinggikan
Layak disembah oleh suku-suku bangsa
Dengan darahMu Kau telah tebus bangsaku
Genapi Tuhan FirmanMu atas neg’riku
Hatiku rindu melihat kemuliaan Mu
Hatiku rindu melihat curahan kuasaMu
Ditanah tercinta neg’riku Indonesia
Kuberdoa Indonesia penuh kemuliaanMu
Indonesia bagi kemulianMu
Ya, Allahku nyatakan kemuliaanMu
Ya, Allahku nyatakan curahan kuasaMu
Di tanah tercinta neg’riku Indonesia
Kuberdoa Indonesia penuh kemuliaanMu
Indonesia bagi kemuliaanMu


Karena Roh Allah ada di dalamku
Ku kan menari sperti Daud menari 2X
Ku kan menari 3X
Sperti Daud menari


(By : Frangky Sihombing)
Kau slalu hadir saat aku rindukanMu
Kau yang slalu setia menopangku
Dengan kasih setia
Memberi aku kekuatan
Di tengah badai yang menakutkan
Reff :
Sampai memutih rambutku
Kau putuskan aku menutup usiaku
Ku kan slalu menyembahMu
O..Yesus Tuhanku
Ku milikMu slamanya bagiMu


Kasih yang sempurna telah
kutrima dari Mu
bukan karena kebaikanku, hanya
oleh kasih karunia Mu
Kau pulihkan aku,
layakkanku tuk dapat memanggilMu, Bapa
Kau bri yang ku pinta
saat ku mencari ku mendapatkan
kuketuk pintuMu dan kau bukakan
sbab kau Bapaku, Bapa yang kekal
Takkan kau biarkan, aku melangkah hanya sendirian,
Kau selalu ada, bagiku
sbab kau Bapaku, Bapa yang kekal.


Kujatuh cinta padaNya
Tambah dan dalamnya
Tambah dan dalam lagi
Kujatuh cinta padaNya
Tambah dan dalamnya
Tambah dan dalam lagi
Yesus indah dan indahlah semakin indah
Oh.. cintaNya antara Allah dan aku
Kujatuh cinta padaNya
Tambah dan dalamnya
Tambah dan dalam lagi


Dari utara ke selatan
terdengar pujian bagi Allah
dari barat sampai ke timur
nama Yesus disanjung tinggi
Kebesarannya di saksikan
kebesarannya di ceritakan
Yesus,Yesus,nama Yesus
nama Yesus disanjung
Lewat pulau-pulau lembah-lembah
gunung-gunung yg tinggi
(to bridge).
Allahku dashyat berkuasa
s’luruh bumi sujud menyembah
tinggikan namaMu


(Hillsong United – We Stand)
In the quiet
In the stillness
I know that You are God
In the secret of Your presence
I know there I am restored
When You call i won’t refuse
Each new day again I’ll choose
There is no one else for me
None but Jesus
Crucified to set me free
Now I live to bring Him praise
In the chaos in confusion
I know You’re sovereign still
In the moment of my weakness
You give me grace to do Your will
When You call I won’t delay
This my song through all my days
All my delight is in You Lord
All of my hope
All of my strength
All my delight is in You Lord
Forever more


Dari semula tlah kau tetapkan
Hidupku dalam tanganMu
Dalam rencanaMu Tuhan
Rencana indah tlah kau siapkan
Bagi masa depanku yang penuh harapan
Reff :
S’mua baik…. s’mua baik
Apa yang tlah kau perbuat di dalam hidupku
S’mua baik…. sungguh teramat baik
Kau jadikan hidupku berarti


Tuhan Yesus setia, Dia Sahabat kita
Dalam sgala susahku, selalu menghiburku
Dia mengerti bahasa
tetesan air mata
Waktu badai mengamuk
Dan gelombang menyerang
Tuhan Yesus setia


Satukanlah hati kami
Tuk memuji dan menyembah
Oh Yesus Tuhan dan Rajaku
Eratkanlah tali kasih
di antara kami semua
Oh Yesus Tuhan dan Rajaku
Bergandengan tangan
dalam satu hati
Bergandengan tangan
dalam satu iman
Saling mengasihi
diantara kami
Keluarga kerajaan Allah


Anak Allah Yesus namaNya
Menyucikan, menyembuhkan
Bahkan mati tebus dosaku
Kubur kosong membuktikan Dia hidup
S’bab Dia hidup, ada hari esok
S’bab Dia hidup, kutak gentar
Karna kutau Dia pegang hari esok
Hidup jadi berarti s’bab Dia hidup


Sgala puji syukur hanya bagiMu Tuhan
Sebab Kau yang layak dipuja
Kami mau bersorak tinggikan namaMu, Haleluya
Soraklah haleluya 2X
Haleluya 2X


Mulia, sembah Raja mulia
Bagi Yesus sembah hormat dan kuasa
Mulia, agung krajaanNya
Dari surga datang untuk segenap umatNya
Dipuji ditinggikan namaNya Yesus
Hormatlah muliakanlah Yesus Raja
Oooh mulia sembah Raja mulia
Dia tlah mati dibangkitkan jadi Raja


Ketika kuhadapi kehidupan ini
Jalan mana yang harus ku pilih
Ku tau ku tak mampu
Ku tau ku tak sanggup
Hanya Kau Tuhan tempat jawabanku
Akupun tau ku tak pernah sendiri
Sbab Engkau Allah yang menggendongku
Tangan-Mu membelaiku
Cinta-Mu memuaskanku
Kau mengangkatku ketempat yang tinggi
Janji-Mu s’perti fajar pagi hari
Yang tiada pernah terlambat bersinar
Cinta-Mu sperti sungai yang mengalir
Dan ku tau betapa dalam kasih-Mu







Talk about suffering here below
And talk about loving Jesus.
Talk about suffering here below
And let’s keep a following Jesus.
The gospel train is coming,
Oh don’t you want to go.
And leave this world of trials
And troubles here below.
Oh don’t you hear it father,
And don’t you want to go
And leave this world of trials
And troubles here below.
Talk about suffering here below
And talk about loving Jesus.
Talk about suffering here below
And let’s keep a following Jesus.
Oh don’t you hear it mother,
And don’t you want to go
And leave this world of trials
And troubles here below.
Talk about suffering here below
And talk about loving Jesus.
Talk about suffering here below
And let’s keep a following Jesus.
Oh don’t you hear it brothers,
And don’t you want to go
And leave this world of trials
And troubles here below.
Oh don’t you hear it sisters,
And don’t you want to go
And leave this world of trials
And troubles here below.
The gospel train is coming,
Oh don’t you want to go.
And leave this world of trials
And troubles here below.
Talk about suffering here below
And talk about loving Jesus.
And let’s keep a following Jesus.


Mary’s boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day
And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day
Long time ago in Bethlehem, so the Holy Bible say
Mary’s boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day
Hark, now hear the angels sing, a king was born today
And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day
Mary’s boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day
While shepherds watch their flocks by night, they see a bright new shining star,
they hear a choir sing a song, the music seem to come from afar
Hark, now hear the angels sing, a king was born today,
And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day
For a moment the world was aglow, all the bells rang out
there were tears of joy and laughter, people shouted
‘Let everyone know, there is hope for all to find peace’
Now Joseph and his wife, Mary, came to Bethlehem that night,
they found no place to bear her child, not a single room was in sight
Hark, now hear the angels sing, a king was born today,
And man will live for evermore, because of Christmas Day
Mary’s boy child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas Day
Oh a moment still worth was a glow, all the bells rang out
there were tears of joy and laughter, people shouted
‘let everyone know, there is hope for all to find peace’

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