Matahari yang bergejolak
Gambar Unik : Lompatan Malaikat Dari Badai Matahari - Tak disangka-sangka, entitas menakjubkan seperti malaikat bisa ditemui di matahari. Kemunculan malaikat di bintang di tata surya itu tertangkap kamera NASA.
Puyuh plasma luar biasa menjulang dari permukaan matahari. Beruntungnya, fenomena ini tertangkap dalam bentuk video oleh satelit NASA. Letusan meliuk-liuk itu memiliki detail menakjubkan serupa malaikat.
Liukan seperti tornado 150 ribu kilometer di atas permukaan matahari itu terjadi selama beberapa jam. Letusan plasma magnetik yang disebut prominence itu meliuk dari matahari sebelum akhirnya berpisah menjadi empat untaian berbeda dan menghilang.
Astrofisikawan Surya C. Alex Young dari Goddard Space Flight Center NASA mengatakan, "Secara kasar, ketinggiannya antara 10 sampai 12 Bumi." Menurutnya, pemandangan menakjubkan yang terjadi pada 12 Juli itu tergantung pada sudut pandang.
Video ini diambil dari Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Pidato Bahasa Inggris - All about Speech
Thank you for giving me opportunity to present my speech about “PROMOTING AND DEVELOPING NIAS AS TOURISM DESTINATION”. The honorable for our head master and his vice, the honorable for our English teachers and staff, and all my friends I will love.
Ladies and gentleman,
As human being who constantly have faith and believe in almighty God, let us continuously offer our praise and gratitude to him. For all his abundant blessing to us, so that we can carry out the contest in this place.
Before I present my speech, let me say thanks a lot dear committee, who holds this contest, because of through this contest. I my self as the student have good chance to develop and to practice English ability.
Ladies and gentleman,
“NIAS” is not the strange place for us. All for us often say it, we don’t only read in the newspaper, but also we can watch in the television. Nevertheless, we can enjoy it for a moment. What Nias is broadcasted for? Is there any special mines, something like gold, diamond or silver that can be found in this island? Or maybe there a specially reason that can be differenced Nias from the other? The last question is true. The difference is, Nias has an unique culture an also the interesting place that can be developed as tourism destination.
As we know, there are many tourism destinations, in Nias that we van develop for example: traditional housing is Siwahili village, Sorake Lagundri an Moale beaches in Teluk Dalam, Luahandrio waterfall in Alasa sub district, the oldest megalithic stone in Gomo, Museum Pusaka Nias, etc.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Talking about Nias autonomy now a days, make us so dizzy, way not aid ought the autonomy is being carried out. Nias still can’t anything by it self is the same as before, not fund, no facilities, and not development. If I am doctor, I will think that Nias must stay a long in the hospital to recover it’s condition because of this situation but I hope it will not happen.
Those are just some of things and I hope we can success of valuable ideas and using to our all.
“Go Green”
Thank You for the time giving to me to present my speech
The Honorable for our English Teacher and all my friend here.
First of all, let us thank to god because of his blessings, we all can gather here on this sunny morning.
Ladies and Gentleman …..Good morning….!
In this chance, I would like to tell you my speech that has the theme “GO GREEN!”
Saving Our Planet is a program that was persuading the earthlings so that they would become more concern and care to their entire environment. It was because the civilization that has been created by the modern people in this millennium era had affected so many destructive impacts which are really needed to be concerned.
Ladies and Gentleman….
These impacts are causing a new problem, The “Global Warming”. In prediction, that in the last 100 years the temperatures of our planet has increased by 1’ every year. Meanwhile, the ocean surface has increased for about 1 meter from its former level. The problem is, modern people not only wanted to increase their prosperity, but also increase their rate of comfortable & luxurious life.
Ladies and Gentleman
Our atmosphere has limits too. CO2 remains in the atmosphere for about 100 years. The longer it we keep pollution.
The solutions to climate change are we put many tree to perform go green. So If we get started today we can safe this earth. The steps we do is perform go green.
Ladies and gentleman
that’s all I have finish tell my speech about Go Green.
Thank you for giving me opportunity to present my speech about “PROMOTING AND DEVELOPING NIAS AS TOURISM DESTINATION”. The honorable for our head master and his vice, the honorable for our English teachers and staff, and all my friends I will love.
Ladies and gentleman,
As human being who constantly have faith and believe in almighty God, let us continuously offer our praise and gratitude to him. For all his abundant blessing to us, so that we can carry out the contest in this place.
Before I present my speech, let me say thanks a lot dear committee, who holds this contest, because of through this contest. I my self as the student have good chance to develop and to practice English ability.
Ladies and gentleman,
“NIAS” is not the strange place for us. All for us often say it, we don’t only read in the newspaper, but also we can watch in the television. Nevertheless, we can enjoy it for a moment. What Nias is broadcasted for? Is there any special mines, something like gold, diamond or silver that can be found in this island? Or maybe there a specially reason that can be differenced Nias from the other? The last question is true. The difference is, Nias has an unique culture an also the interesting place that can be developed as tourism destination.
As we know, there are many tourism destinations, in Nias that we van develop for example: traditional housing is Siwahili village, Sorake Lagundri an Moale beaches in Teluk Dalam, Luahandrio waterfall in Alasa sub district, the oldest megalithic stone in Gomo, Museum Pusaka Nias, etc.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Talking about Nias autonomy now a days, make us so dizzy, way not aid ought the autonomy is being carried out. Nias still can’t anything by it self is the same as before, not fund, no facilities, and not development. If I am doctor, I will think that Nias must stay a long in the hospital to recover it’s condition because of this situation but I hope it will not happen.
Those are just some of things and I hope we can success of valuable ideas and using to our all.
“Go Green”
Thank You for the time giving to me to present my speech
The Honorable for our English Teacher and all my friend here.
First of all, let us thank to god because of his blessings, we all can gather here on this sunny morning.
Ladies and Gentleman …..Good morning….!
In this chance, I would like to tell you my speech that has the theme “GO GREEN!”
Saving Our Planet is a program that was persuading the earthlings so that they would become more concern and care to their entire environment. It was because the civilization that has been created by the modern people in this millennium era had affected so many destructive impacts which are really needed to be concerned.
Ladies and Gentleman….
These impacts are causing a new problem, The “Global Warming”. In prediction, that in the last 100 years the temperatures of our planet has increased by 1’ every year. Meanwhile, the ocean surface has increased for about 1 meter from its former level. The problem is, modern people not only wanted to increase their prosperity, but also increase their rate of comfortable & luxurious life.
Ladies and Gentleman
Our atmosphere has limits too. CO2 remains in the atmosphere for about 100 years. The longer it we keep pollution.
The solutions to climate change are we put many tree to perform go green. So If we get started today we can safe this earth. The steps we do is perform go green.
Ladies and gentleman
that’s all I have finish tell my speech about Go Green.
Mendekorasi telur - How to Decorate The Egg
What type of eggs will you dye and decorate? Apa jenis telur akan Anda pewarna dan menghias?
When decorating eggs, you can use hard-boiled eggs or empty egg-shells. Ketika telur dekorasi, Anda dapat menggunakan telur rebus atau telur kosong kerang. Using empty egg-shells takes much more work, but the eggs can be kept indefinitely. Menggunakan telur kosong kerang membutuhkan lebih banyak pekerjaan, tetapi telur dapat disimpan selamanya. If you use hard boiled eggs, you will need to keep them refrigerated if you want to be able to eat them. Jika Anda menggunakan telur rebus keras, Anda akan perlu untuk menjaga mereka berpendingin jika Anda ingin bisa memakannya. They are no longer safe to be eaten after they have been out of the refrigerator for two hours. Mereka tidak lagi aman untuk dimakan setelah mereka telah keluar dari kulkas selama dua jam. However, if you are not planning on eating them, they can be kept at room temperature for decor purposes for a few days and then they must be discarded. Namun, jika Anda tidak berencana untuk makan mereka, mereka dapat disimpan pada suhu kamar untuk tujuan dekorasi selama beberapa hari dan kemudian mereka harus dibuang. If you choose this option, be sure everyone around knows that they are not safe for eating! Jika Anda memilih pilihan ini, pastikan setiap orang di sekitar tahu bahwa mereka tidak aman untuk makan!
Using Empty Eggs Shells: Menggunakan Telur Kosong Kerang:
• If you want to decorate empty eggs shells, read this great article that explains how to easily empty the egg out of the shell. Jika Anda ingin menghiasi cangkang telur kosong, membaca artikel yang menjelaskan cara mudah telur kosong keluar dari shell.
• Empty egg shells by themselves are light-weight and fragile. kulit telur kosong dengan sendirinya adalah ringan dan rapuh. You can strengthen them further by putting on layers of newspaper covered with layers of paper towels . Anda dapat memperkuat mereka lebih lanjut dengan meletakkan di atas lapisan koran ditutup dengan lapisan handuk kertas. Use white glue, homemade flour-and-water paste or wallpaper paste to apply the paper to the egg-shell, just like when you're making papier mache. Gunakan lem putih, pasta tepung buatan sendiri-dan-air atau wallpaper pasta untuk menerapkan kertas ke shell-telur, sama seperti ketika Anda membuat papier mache.
• Before decorating the egg shells, you can cover the holes in the ends with melted wax or with tissue paper and glue. Sebelum menghias kulit telur, Anda dapat menutup lubang-lubang di ujung-ujung dengan lilin cair atau dengan kertas tisu dan lem.
• If the decorated egg turns out to be a masterpiece and you want to preserve it for a long time, evenly coat the egg with thinned white glue, clear nail polish, or spray shellac. Jika telur dihiasi ternyata karya dan Anda ingin melestarikannya untuk waktu yang lama, merata mantel dengan lem putih telur menipis, cat kuku jelas, atau semprot lak.
• For hanging the egg shells for displaying, you can run a loop of ribbon, yarn, string or wire through the holes. Untuk menggantung kulit telur untuk menampilkan, Anda dapat menjalankan loop pita, benang, tali atau kawat melalui lubang. Tie the end to make a hanger for your decorated egg. Tie akhir untuk membuat gantungan untuk telur Anda dihias.
• Make a stand for your decorated eggs out of a small bottle cap, an empty film canister or a section of a cardboard tube. Buatlah berdiri untuk telur Anda dihiasi keluar dari botol kecil topi, sebuah tabung film kosong atau bagian dari tabung karton.
Tip: If you have any broken eggs , don't throw them away – you could glue a fuzzy chick figurine inside and make a cute display piece by itself or clubbed with other Easter ornaments. Tip: Jika Anda memiliki telur patah tidak membuangnya - Anda bisa lem patung cewek fuzzy dalam dan membuat tampilan sepotong cute dengan sendirinya atau dipukuli dengan ornamen Paskah lainnya.
Using Hard-Boiled Eggs: Telur rebus Menggunakan-Hard:
• Refrigerate the eggs whenever you're not working with them. Dinginkan telur setiap kali Anda tidak bekerja dengan mereka.
• Make sure the eggs you color aren't cracked. Pastikan Anda warna telur tidak retak. If any crack during cooking, dyeing or decorating, throw them away. Jika ada retak selama memasak, pencelupan atau dekorasi, membuangnya. Also throw away any eggs that have been out of the refrigerator for more than 2 hours (they are not longer safe to eat). Juga membuang telur yang telah keluar dari kulkas selama lebih dari 2 jam (mereka tidak lagi aman untuk dimakan).
• For dyeing the eggs you can use artificial egg dyes or natural ingredients like turmeric, coffee and other day to day items from the kitchen. Untuk Mewarnai telur Anda dapat menggunakan telur pewarna buatan atau bahan-bahan alami seperti kunyit, kopi dan hari lain untuk item hari dari dapur. If you want to try dying your eggs the natural way. Jika Anda ingin mencoba sekarat telur Anda dengan cara alami. If you use artificial coloring, go for specially-made, food-grade egg dyes. Jika Anda menggunakan pewarna buatan, pergi untuk khusus buatan, pewarna makanan-grade telur.
• For dyeing you can hard-boil the eggs in the water with the dye, which gives you a less consistent color. Untuk pencelupan Anda bisa keras-merebus telur di air dengan pewarna, yang akan memberikan warna kurang konsisten. It's great if you like the variegated look. Ini bagus jika Anda menyukai tampilan beraneka ragam.
• For a more consistent color cook the eggs separately and let them sit in the dye solution. Untuk warna yang lebih konsisten memasak telur secara terpisah dan membiarkan mereka duduk dalam larutan pewarna. The longer the eggs sit in the dye, the darker the color. Semakin lama telur duduk di dye warna, gelap itu.
• Place shaped stickers, like flowers, hearts, bugs or other shapes, on eggs before dyeing. Tempat berbentuk stiker, seperti bunga, hati, bug atau bentuk lainnya, pada telur sebelum pencelupan. You also use celery leaves. Anda juga menggunakan daun seledri. After the dye is dry, remove the sticker for a perfect silhouette. Setelah pewarna kering, lepaskan stiker untuk siluet yang sempurna.
• Draw on eggs with a clear wax “magic crayon” found in many decorating kits or use an ordinary white crayon. Menarik telur dengan lilin yang jelas "sihir krayon" ditemukan di kit banyak dekorasi atau menggunakan krayon putih biasa. The wax protects the egg from the dye. lilin melindungi telur dari pewarna tersebut. After the dye has dried, wash the egg with hot water to remove the wax and try dipping into another color for a cool tie-dyed effect. Setelah pewarna telah kering, mencuci telur dengan air panas untuk menghilangkan lilin dan mencoba mencelupkan ke dalam warna lain untuk efek celup ikat dingin. If you plan to eat the Easter eggs, be sure the label says nontoxic on any crayons, pens, paints or other art materials you use. Jika Anda berencana untuk makan telur Paskah, pastikan label kata beracun pada setiap krayon, pulpen, cat atau bahan seni yang Anda gunakan. Or, use edible decorations like herbs. Atau, gunakan dekorasi yang dapat dimakan seperti tumbuh-tumbuhan.
• Wrap a few rubber bands around an egg before dipping it into the dye. Membungkus beberapa karet gelang di telur sebelum mencelupkan ke pewarna tersebut. After the egg dries, remove the bands, revealing white stripes. Setelah mengering telur, menghapus band, memperlihatkan garis-garis putih. Try placing the rubber bands in different places and using another color for a striped rainbow effect! Cobalah menempatkan karet gelang ini di tempat yang berbeda dan menggunakan warna yang lain untuk efek pelangi bergaris!
• Add sequins or sparkles to eggs while the dye is still wet to make an egg fancy enough for the diva in every family. Tambahkan manik atau berkilau dengan telur sementara pewarna masih basah membuat telur mewah cukup untuk diva di setiap keluarga.
When decorating eggs, you can use hard-boiled eggs or empty egg-shells. Ketika telur dekorasi, Anda dapat menggunakan telur rebus atau telur kosong kerang. Using empty egg-shells takes much more work, but the eggs can be kept indefinitely. Menggunakan telur kosong kerang membutuhkan lebih banyak pekerjaan, tetapi telur dapat disimpan selamanya. If you use hard boiled eggs, you will need to keep them refrigerated if you want to be able to eat them. Jika Anda menggunakan telur rebus keras, Anda akan perlu untuk menjaga mereka berpendingin jika Anda ingin bisa memakannya. They are no longer safe to be eaten after they have been out of the refrigerator for two hours. Mereka tidak lagi aman untuk dimakan setelah mereka telah keluar dari kulkas selama dua jam. However, if you are not planning on eating them, they can be kept at room temperature for decor purposes for a few days and then they must be discarded. Namun, jika Anda tidak berencana untuk makan mereka, mereka dapat disimpan pada suhu kamar untuk tujuan dekorasi selama beberapa hari dan kemudian mereka harus dibuang. If you choose this option, be sure everyone around knows that they are not safe for eating! Jika Anda memilih pilihan ini, pastikan setiap orang di sekitar tahu bahwa mereka tidak aman untuk makan!
Using Empty Eggs Shells: Menggunakan Telur Kosong Kerang:
• If you want to decorate empty eggs shells, read this great article that explains how to easily empty the egg out of the shell. Jika Anda ingin menghiasi cangkang telur kosong, membaca artikel yang menjelaskan cara mudah telur kosong keluar dari shell.
• Empty egg shells by themselves are light-weight and fragile. kulit telur kosong dengan sendirinya adalah ringan dan rapuh. You can strengthen them further by putting on layers of newspaper covered with layers of paper towels . Anda dapat memperkuat mereka lebih lanjut dengan meletakkan di atas lapisan koran ditutup dengan lapisan handuk kertas. Use white glue, homemade flour-and-water paste or wallpaper paste to apply the paper to the egg-shell, just like when you're making papier mache. Gunakan lem putih, pasta tepung buatan sendiri-dan-air atau wallpaper pasta untuk menerapkan kertas ke shell-telur, sama seperti ketika Anda membuat papier mache.
• Before decorating the egg shells, you can cover the holes in the ends with melted wax or with tissue paper and glue. Sebelum menghias kulit telur, Anda dapat menutup lubang-lubang di ujung-ujung dengan lilin cair atau dengan kertas tisu dan lem.
• If the decorated egg turns out to be a masterpiece and you want to preserve it for a long time, evenly coat the egg with thinned white glue, clear nail polish, or spray shellac. Jika telur dihiasi ternyata karya dan Anda ingin melestarikannya untuk waktu yang lama, merata mantel dengan lem putih telur menipis, cat kuku jelas, atau semprot lak.
• For hanging the egg shells for displaying, you can run a loop of ribbon, yarn, string or wire through the holes. Untuk menggantung kulit telur untuk menampilkan, Anda dapat menjalankan loop pita, benang, tali atau kawat melalui lubang. Tie the end to make a hanger for your decorated egg. Tie akhir untuk membuat gantungan untuk telur Anda dihias.
• Make a stand for your decorated eggs out of a small bottle cap, an empty film canister or a section of a cardboard tube. Buatlah berdiri untuk telur Anda dihiasi keluar dari botol kecil topi, sebuah tabung film kosong atau bagian dari tabung karton.
Tip: If you have any broken eggs , don't throw them away – you could glue a fuzzy chick figurine inside and make a cute display piece by itself or clubbed with other Easter ornaments. Tip: Jika Anda memiliki telur patah tidak membuangnya - Anda bisa lem patung cewek fuzzy dalam dan membuat tampilan sepotong cute dengan sendirinya atau dipukuli dengan ornamen Paskah lainnya.
Using Hard-Boiled Eggs: Telur rebus Menggunakan-Hard:
• Refrigerate the eggs whenever you're not working with them. Dinginkan telur setiap kali Anda tidak bekerja dengan mereka.
• Make sure the eggs you color aren't cracked. Pastikan Anda warna telur tidak retak. If any crack during cooking, dyeing or decorating, throw them away. Jika ada retak selama memasak, pencelupan atau dekorasi, membuangnya. Also throw away any eggs that have been out of the refrigerator for more than 2 hours (they are not longer safe to eat). Juga membuang telur yang telah keluar dari kulkas selama lebih dari 2 jam (mereka tidak lagi aman untuk dimakan).
• For dyeing the eggs you can use artificial egg dyes or natural ingredients like turmeric, coffee and other day to day items from the kitchen. Untuk Mewarnai telur Anda dapat menggunakan telur pewarna buatan atau bahan-bahan alami seperti kunyit, kopi dan hari lain untuk item hari dari dapur. If you want to try dying your eggs the natural way. Jika Anda ingin mencoba sekarat telur Anda dengan cara alami. If you use artificial coloring, go for specially-made, food-grade egg dyes. Jika Anda menggunakan pewarna buatan, pergi untuk khusus buatan, pewarna makanan-grade telur.
• For dyeing you can hard-boil the eggs in the water with the dye, which gives you a less consistent color. Untuk pencelupan Anda bisa keras-merebus telur di air dengan pewarna, yang akan memberikan warna kurang konsisten. It's great if you like the variegated look. Ini bagus jika Anda menyukai tampilan beraneka ragam.
• For a more consistent color cook the eggs separately and let them sit in the dye solution. Untuk warna yang lebih konsisten memasak telur secara terpisah dan membiarkan mereka duduk dalam larutan pewarna. The longer the eggs sit in the dye, the darker the color. Semakin lama telur duduk di dye warna, gelap itu.
• Place shaped stickers, like flowers, hearts, bugs or other shapes, on eggs before dyeing. Tempat berbentuk stiker, seperti bunga, hati, bug atau bentuk lainnya, pada telur sebelum pencelupan. You also use celery leaves. Anda juga menggunakan daun seledri. After the dye is dry, remove the sticker for a perfect silhouette. Setelah pewarna kering, lepaskan stiker untuk siluet yang sempurna.
• Draw on eggs with a clear wax “magic crayon” found in many decorating kits or use an ordinary white crayon. Menarik telur dengan lilin yang jelas "sihir krayon" ditemukan di kit banyak dekorasi atau menggunakan krayon putih biasa. The wax protects the egg from the dye. lilin melindungi telur dari pewarna tersebut. After the dye has dried, wash the egg with hot water to remove the wax and try dipping into another color for a cool tie-dyed effect. Setelah pewarna telah kering, mencuci telur dengan air panas untuk menghilangkan lilin dan mencoba mencelupkan ke dalam warna lain untuk efek celup ikat dingin. If you plan to eat the Easter eggs, be sure the label says nontoxic on any crayons, pens, paints or other art materials you use. Jika Anda berencana untuk makan telur Paskah, pastikan label kata beracun pada setiap krayon, pulpen, cat atau bahan seni yang Anda gunakan. Or, use edible decorations like herbs. Atau, gunakan dekorasi yang dapat dimakan seperti tumbuh-tumbuhan.
• Wrap a few rubber bands around an egg before dipping it into the dye. Membungkus beberapa karet gelang di telur sebelum mencelupkan ke pewarna tersebut. After the egg dries, remove the bands, revealing white stripes. Setelah mengering telur, menghapus band, memperlihatkan garis-garis putih. Try placing the rubber bands in different places and using another color for a striped rainbow effect! Cobalah menempatkan karet gelang ini di tempat yang berbeda dan menggunakan warna yang lain untuk efek pelangi bergaris!
• Add sequins or sparkles to eggs while the dye is still wet to make an egg fancy enough for the diva in every family. Tambahkan manik atau berkilau dengan telur sementara pewarna masih basah membuat telur mewah cukup untuk diva di setiap keluarga.
Aksesoris Blog Anda
Setelah berkunjung ke blog nya sobat bloger melihat blog nya sobat yang bagus-bagus dengan berbagai aksesoris, serta efek-efek penghias terpikirkan oleh saya kenapa tidak menuliskan berbagai efek penghias blog dalam satu artikel saja, oke kita langsung saja ke berbagai efek penghias blog, Saya akan bahs satu persatu.
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Pertama sebelum melakukan tutorial ini sobat harus masuk ke Tata letak, Edit HTML. setelah itu jangan lupa expand widget dan download template lengkap, dan cari kata nie